my purpose
In December 2020, during the height of the COVID pandemic, my then 8-year-old daughter Sidney Jane noticed something unusual about my left breast. Her observation led to doctor visits that revealed breast cancer, which by February 2021 was diagnosed as Stage 4, having spread to my bones and lymph systems. At the end of 2020, while our family wrote down our yearly accomplishments, Sidney Jane's first achievement read: "I saved my mom's life."
The diagnosis came at an already challenging time. Despite 20 years of experience in IT program management and consulting, I had been laid off in April 2020. I was uninsured, receiving unemployment through the CARES Act, SNAP benefits, and county/state rent assistance. The prospect of financing cancer treatment seemed impossible.
Through persistence and privilege - education, English fluency, tech-savviness - I navigated the complex healthcare system. I secured Medicaid through Texas's MBCC program and obtained SSDI in record time (3 months). However, even with these supports, the financial burden remained overwhelming.
My oncology social worker, Penny, went above and beyond to help me access financial assistance. What began as a simple document with 50+ website links evolved into hours of personalized support navigating the labyrinthine processes of various funding organizations. But not everyone has a Penny. Most social workers lack the bandwidth to provide this level of support, and many patients lack the privileges that helped me succeed - computer access, internet service, English proficiency, and persistence.
This realization sparked the idea to create this initiative called Penny… because everyone needs a Penny. Our mission is to ensure no cancer patient faces these financial barriers alone, regardless of their circumstances or resources.